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Ingredients * ½ cup olive oil (Or I used Avocado Oil) * Fresh Lemon Juice from 1 lemon * 2 cloves garlic * ½ tsp paprika * 1 tbsp dried thyme * 1 tsp salt * 1 tsbp dried basil * 1 large tomato

Instructions 1. Put all ingredients into food processor and blend for 30 seconds.

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1. OJ – Processed, pasteurized, denatured. Eat raw, while orange or grapefruit. Spikes insulin, makes it difficult to lose weight.

2. 100 Calorie Packs – not a fan – people are tricked into ignoring quantity over quality. All foods require energy to metabolize, the body requires calories to burn, these type of snacks tend to raise blood sugar, spike insulin and require little energy to metabolize.

3. Sugar Free Stuff – seems okay from the label, watch out for the replacement stuff like malt, sucralose, etc. fancy way of saying Splenda. These replacement chemicals spike insulin higher and faster. Tends to lead to GI problems like diarrhea. Destroyed natural gut flora – promotes acne. Seems that when ants eat Splenda, they die. Chocolate cravers – try raw cocoa beans as a replacement, very healthy.

4. Wheat breads and bagels – anything that says wheat on it should be avoided. You can find hundreds of lists showing wheat by most true health care professionals saying avoid wheat.

5. Wine – it is a carb absorbed as sugar, effects hormones, people think it is heart friendly, a glass daily way too much.

6. Diet Coke – diet sodas are nothing more than chemical soup, Liver takes a huge hit, common denominator in MS cases. Use mineral water instead.

7. Typical Cracker – corn syrup, malt syrup, 0 nutrients, high in Processed carbs, Mary’s Gone Crackers. Really filling . . . .

8. Flavored Yogurts – full of sugar, corn syrup, artificial flavors and coloring's, Page Plain Greek, add real fruit!!!

9. Soy milk – Replace with coconut or Almond – Soy effects hormones big time. Increase estrogen, stores fat, etc..

10. Sugar Free Energy Drinks – Produces peaks and valleys – Try Yerba Matte instead.

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A credit card-sized magnet can energize your energy field and protect you from electromagnetic radiation.  

Even though we can’t and wouldn’t want to do away with all our electric appliances, we can protect ourselves.  A simple Multi-Polar Magnet, no bigger than a credit card, can energize your energy field and protect you.  This small multi-polar magnet can be placed in a shirt pocket, inside a woman’s bra or in a wallet carried on the body.  We use very specific magnets that change from north to south on the same side, four to five times per inch, and they are under 350 gauss no matter where you measure them.  

We recommend people wear this magnet all the time they are working with computers or around other strong electromagnetic environments.  Our preference is to ear it all day long, every day.  Why?  Electromagnetic pollution is everywhere and is most likely affecting you.  Usually people have more energy and feel better when they have this very specific magnet next to them.

Multi-Polar Magnets may also be used for pain reduction by placing them over the painful area and leaving it until the pain lessens or leaves.  If this doesn’t help or makes it worse, move it to the exact same location on the opposite side of the body.  This effect has to do with activating the acupuncture or energy meridians of the body.  This cred card-sized magnet can increase circulation and relieve chronic pain including:

  • Headaches

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Aches and pains

  • Tennis elbow

  • Strained muscle problems

  • Bruises

  • Arthritis

  • Old injuries

  • Back pain or spinal problems due to the balancing of energy

Most people wear the Multi-Polar Magnet all day.  Some feel they need more energy and find that placing several under their mattress pad of their bed helps them at night.  Multi-Polar Magnets work to help protect you from the electromagnetic radiation that permeates our lives.  

**All education and remarks in this  are provided by:    Brimhall Wellness

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